Most Powerful or most PowerFOOL? Laser hair removal machine in the world.
The most powerful Laser Hair Removal machine in the world!
Do you have the most powerful laser in the world or the most PowerFOOL laser in the world?
“Anyone advertising the most powerful laser machine, is imitating IPL technology. Singeing the hair so the follicles pop out immediately after the treatment is a short-term result, this is just damaging the shaft, not destroying the hair follicles. The higher the power, the shorter the pulse time, therefore less treatment results. Like baking a cake, the higher the power the faster you burn the crust with an uncooked centre.
The cheapest IPL machine actually has a higher power than most lasers & you only need to go over the treated area once. Hair shaft singes and pops out, resulting in hair growing back quicker. Having said that, IPL is not a bad technology, just a different one.
Gliding over the area 4-6 times with longer pulse time destroys the follicles. Gliding over the area once with a higher-powered laser only singes the hair shaft. The effect is more pain, with a higher risk of burning & short-term results.
The next time someone tells you they have the most powerful laser in the world, steer away. If it’s not a fake, it’s less effective for the purpose of hair removal.”
James Daniel- Biomedical Engineer at Allwhite Laser AW3.
Watch full educational video below
Laser/IPL treatment on sun tanned skin
Can clients have immediate sun exposure after an AW3 Laser/IPL treatment?
To answer this question, we must first look into the 2 different types of systems. Both serve the same purpose of delivering heat to the hair follicles and successfully destroying it. The hair follicles need to be heated to 70 degrees °C to destruct the regrowth and both types of technologies can offer this.
Let’s just call this 1st generation technology and 2nd generation technology. Both technologies utilise heat in different ways but the 2nd generation is able to offer both ways.
There is also a 3rd generation and this is to be discussed later in this article.
The 1st Generation Systems, “The stamping method”
The first generation of Laser or IPL utilises singular high concentration of energy with the control of the parameters, ensuring the heat is kept in the follicle for sufficient time to destruct it. Each individual shot is usually being delivered to the skin at a very powerful pulse. So powerful that it will guarantee to heat the follicle to 70 degrees °C and in many cases above. If not being careful it will destroy everything around it such as skin tissues and shedding or popping the hair shaft immediately which can cause hyper/hypo pigmentation to the skin. Now this doesn’t mean that the parameters or pulse width cannot be set lower, but then the hair follicles may not reach 70 degrees at all. Over set and it will cook it to 90 degrees °C, a burn!
This method is fine; it uses less handle shots however it will wear down the light component efficiency 3-6 times quicker due to higher energy being used. There is no definite way to make sure that follicles do not heat above or below 70 degrees °C either. The risk of burning clients is high, especially for inexperienced technicians. Blistering and zebra stripes for overlapping or leaving spacing of the head piece is one of the risk factors even with a skilled operator, the probability of burning is higher. The first generation is not a bad technology, just a different one and it is still being used widely. Clients must leave 30 days before and after sun exposure for this method of treatment and extra precaution should always be practiced.
So lets now move on to the 2nd generation and what it is all about.
The 2nd Generation Systems, “The gliding method”
The second generation of Laser or IPL differs, they utilise low heat energy over multiple repetitions in order to heat the follicles to 70 degrees °C and destruct it for good. Constant shots at a higher repetition rate (Hz) are being fired at the skin while the applicator head is being glided up and down the skin surface. Each shot is not as powerful or concentrated, it doesn’t need to be as it allows the user to shoot at the same area multiple times with a lower risk of burning the skin. Unexperienced technicians can almost be careless and the likelihood of risk associated with the 1st generation systems is much lower. Although less likely, if settings are too high and the gliding is too slow, it can potentially cook over 70 degrees °C and cause a burn. You can compare this to a machine gun shooting simultaneously at a target, whereas the 1st generation technology would be a shot gun. 1 shot causes bigger destruction to the whole area with a shot gun.
The disadvantage with the 2nd generation of lasers or IPL is, inexperienced technicians can glide too fast and miss areas/patches of the skin area. Gliding too slow with a high repetition rate will over treat the area unnecessarily. A controversial argument may be that the human hands are not steady enough to carry out such a method and may encounter over treating. Just like a machine gun, give it to an amateur and it will be too fast for the person to control it. However, this is not true and it can be controlled quite easily if you know how to.
Because the handle is shooting simultaneously at the skin the repetition rate needs to be balanced with the gliding motion, with some tips and tricks this is much easier and safer to do than guessing the 70 degrees °C follicle destruction point compared to the 1st Generation.
To eliminate this dilemma, one trick is to glide slowly around and gradually by looking at each flash as it hits the skin or listening to the repetition beeps that some machines have to offer, usually around 6Hz instead of 10Hz for larger areas. Don’t worry as the repetition rate is not faster than the naked eye or ears so controlling this technique is a piece of cake and you do not need to win an award for the steadiest hands of the year.
Another tip can be that the gliding motion starts just slightly before the trigger is pressed so this will prevent over treating initially, and stop just before the gliding motion stops. But it really doesn’t matter if you do over treat slightly using this method as it doesn’t cause a massive destruction compared to the 1st generation.
We know that people have seen advertisement videos of super-fast gliding, technically this works too but remember this is only for the purpose to make the video look fancy and doesn’t apply in the real world of quality treatments.
Another advantage to the 2nd generation is that it can offer everything that the first generation can offer, it is able to glide slow or fast without speed restrictions. It is able to offer 1 singular shot of high energy concentration the same way too. For smaller and micro areas this is a great technique.
By putting this theory to the test, apply this technique on yourself and set the frequency at 6Hz. Glide gradually up and down your legs and steadily cover all surface areas to see if you miss out any surface area or not. Definitely not and the results will be amazing.
So Is the 2nd generation systems, gliding motion method pain free?
Actually, it can be quite painful if the technology is not quite there yet. We must note that not all systems have an effective Crystal Freeze ® Technology which cools down the skin to allow even higher energy to hit the skin with even longer pulse time, reducing the discomfort and side effects of treatment and providing a pain free sensation. But is it really pain free? Well maybe not but it’s certainly not painful either. Customers must feel a little flick to the skin.
With the support of Crystal Freeze ® and bringing better cooling to the actual machine and multiple wavelengths tailored to different skin types, the treatment is not painful. It is utilising low energy hence it is less likely to cause thermal skin damage or photosensitivity, the system is designed so that tanned skin can be treated. This has now put the AW3 systems in an entirely different category of Laser and Light and we can simply categorise this as the 3rd generation of systems.
The 3rd Generation Systems “The gliding Crystal Freeze® method”.
AW3 has many types of Lasers and IPL. These super laser/light models listed below are considered as the 3rd generation systems:
V Combo Plus
Crystal Freeze Diamond
Super Combo
Bullet S Line
Rocket S Line
These super models of systems can be used on UV exposed skin as the laser/light is passed gently and gradually across the area to allow the hair follicles to receive the same desired heat without being too aggressive to the skin or the hair shaft. It is enough to destroy the hair follicle, also with the support of machine cooling, Crystal Freeze® and built-in reflectors for better wavelength transfer. This means that the risk of sun exposure to the area is less than the client treated with the 1st or 2nd generation systems.
The next time someone tells you that they have the most powerful machine, please do not be fooled. None of the AW3 hair removal machines will ever need to use more than ¾ of its full power.
Good results are about having a good machine, correct settings, packed with technological advancements and being able to control it. As well as the operator who can manage their customer’s expectations. But more importantly having the right ongoing support for clinics and businesses.
So can sun tanned skin be treated?
For the avoidance of doubt, remember there are variations on tanning which is listed below. Whilst not the same they can all be treated by using 1 simple rule, monitor your client!
The most important thing you should do is monitor your client by asking them questions about their skin condition. There is not a 1 size fits all. If they are sensitive before or after the treatment they should wait longer, perhaps 3-7 or 10 days when super laser/light is being used. Otherwise, in most cases clients skin is ok after 24 hours then why not have immediate sun exposure and enjoy the summer. Usually with AW3 super lasers/light the skin is not severely sensitive due to the technique and technology used. Only in the event that you carry out the stamping method with a super laser or light to smaller areas then the skin can be more sensitive, which is when sun exposure should be avoided for 30 days.
Active Tan
Sun Exposure
Sun Tanning
Fake Tan
Sun Bathing
Sun Beds
Sun Burnt /Redness (Must not treat with any Laser/Light)
Natural Tan
Tanned Skin
Dark Tan
Case Study Examples
Scenario 1: Someone used to be a skin type 2, after a long holiday in Spain they are now very tanned and look more like a skin type 4. They have no sensitivity to the skin, will the same settings be used?
Answer: Although they should be treated as skin type 2 if this was traditional IPL or laser. With the 3rd generation of super light/laser, you can offer treatments as if you are doing a skin type 4. This technique is successfully being applied using AW3 lasers in many hot countries. The same applies to fake tan. Reduce/increase settings if required and monitor the client throughout.
Scenario 2: Someone is about to go on holiday or sun beds, can they have super lasers/light?
Answer: Not on sun bed or sun bathed skin straight away but normal sun exposure is fine as long as there is not sensitivity to the skin area. This is a normal practice for AW3 clinics in hot countries and many years of treatments with no adverse effects. Sun bathe skin can be treated after a few days, on the condition that there is no skin sensitivity/burn. As little as 24-48 hours. Reduce settings if required and monitor the client throughout.
Scenario 3: Someone just had sun exposure and their skin is still quite sensitive, not burnt just a little sensitive, can they have super laser/super IPL treatment now?
Answer: No they must call back in 24-48 hours to check if the sensitivity has completely gone or not? If not, wait longer until it has.
To conclude, it doesn’t matter what generation of system is being used, stamping or gliding, it is impossible for anyone to know which settings that the laser is hitting the hair follicle at precisely 70 degrees. A little under or a little over is always the case and there is no wrong or right with this. The most important thing to remember is safety comes first over results. Both can be obtained with the right training, support and equipment.
One other factor to consider is, there are 3 stages of hair growth at 1 given time. Anagen, catagen and telogen. Hair destruction works best when the hair cycle is at the anagen stage but we don’t know when that may be hence multiple sessions are required. So no matter what laser or method is being used, it will only work best when hairs are at the anagen stage. Clients should always shave as close to the skin as possible as stubbly hairs of half a millimetre will attract unwanted heat, resulting in immediate hair shedding or popping, including those ineffective hairs in the telogen and catagen stage which also sheds without a purpose.
If not shaved closely, the treatment is more painful as hairs are being synges on the upper layer of the skin. The wastage energy will be scattered to the shaft around the epidermis layer rather than only targeting the follicles beneath the demis layer. Visually, popping of hairs may look fancy but so is waxing. The best laser results are not seen immediately but rather what is happening beneath the skin, which is the destruction of hair follicles at the anagen stage.
Either way, the gliding pain free method still provides a faster treatment session and time matters most in this business; hence the premium price of a super hair removal system.
Is IPL better than Laser? or is Laser better than IPL?
Some people vote IPL while others vote laser. But what is the truth behind it all?
This question is not that simple, it depends on the brand of machine, components being used and many other factors which salon owners should consider before buying a machine. This article will highlight the actual facts about the technology and the business so you can have a deeper understanding of both. Make sure you read it to the end and educate yourself about the real scientific differences rather than an opinion.
The ever growing popularity of hair removal services in recent years has led to an equally rapid growth not only in the number of clinics offering such services but also in the types of technology used in removing the unwanted hair. There is now an often confusing array of treatments available to the public provided by a range of competing technologies, some more effective than others for different hair types and often at widely divergent prices.
Hair removal is one of the most frequently requested services at laser clinics and it is popular amongst people across many demographics and regions of the world. The Middle East is also experiencing a rapid and ongoing growth in demand for hair removal services of all types. We’ve sold thousands of units to the Middle East last year alone. But what types of hair removal are available and how effective are they?
As an individual, trying to understand the differences between laser and IPL for hair removal and deciding which method is right for you can be very confusing due to lack of sound advice and information available. Our aim is that by reading this article, you will not only understand the technical difference but the business reasons behind a clinic’s decision to use IPL or Laser.
To begin with, you should know that both laser and IPL work on removing unwanted hair in essentially the same way. Both require that the region to be treated be shaved prior to the procedure, both convert light energy into heat energy which will heat up the hair follicle, prompting the bulb of the hair to fall out thus reducing hair growth. However this is where the similarity ends.
So What is the main difference?
The main difference between Laser and IPL is the process by which the light is produced, the type of light (wavelength) and how well it is absorbed by the different hair and skin types.
An IPL produces varying wavelengths, which is types of light found on the visible light spectrum whereas Laser produces one single and precise wavelength, an intensely concentrated beam of light that is proven to target hair growth, so there is no ‘hit and miss’. This exact wavelength leads to a more effective treatment than IPL hair removal and therefore fewer treatments in the long term.
The advantage for IPL is that many different skin types can be treated with one machine and they are much cheaper to manufacture but unfortunately the light is ‘one-size-fits-all’ in terms of its effectiveness on the hair.
However on the down-side it employs a diffused broad band of light in the visible spectrum, typically 550 to 1100 nanometers, whilst the optimum wavelengths for treating most hair types fall into the 700 to 850 nanometer range. Thus the light below 700 and above 850 is either ineffective or even putting the patient at risk of side effects if an incorrect energy level has been selected. It also means that more treatment sessions can be required to achieve a desired result.
Furthermore IPL cannot be used on sun-exposed or darker skin, nor is it effective on all hair and skin types, thus making it less versatile than laser treatment. It can also cause damage to pigment producing cells, which can result in patches of darker or lighter skin.
The advantage of a Laser (single wavelength) is that the light is targeted. There are many different Lasers with different wavelengths for different uses but each one is chosen to maximise effectiveness and safety for a particular hair and skin type.
Our medical graded AW3 Schnelle Laser works at 810nm which falls into the optimum range for hair removal so we are able to produce more effective results much faster than an IPL system. It works by the laser beam passing safely through the skin targeting the melanin (pigment) in the hair, its energy is absorbed by the hair follicle and the heat created weakens or destroys the follicle preventing further growth.
The disadvantage of certain Lasers is that it can only be used on certain skin types which range from fair to middle-eastern. Asian or black skin cannot be treated with this type of Laser as the absorption of energy in the skin would be too high due to the high concentration of melanin in the skin.
However our AW3 Schnelle Laser system is suitable for all skin types. The laser passes through the skin without targeting melanin, it works by directing the beam onto the base of the unwanted hair follicles where it disperses the energy and damages the follicle, reducing the rate at which it grows.
Over time, many studies have been conducted comparing satisfaction level, the safety, and the effectiveness of IPL and Laser, on various skin types and have come to the conclusion that laser outperforms IPL every time. Laser hair removal results in significantly longer hair-free intervals, a larger reduction in hair counts and greater patient satisfaction than the IPL.
The AW3 Schnelle Laser enables us to treat the widest possible range of skin types, producing the optimum result for each patient whilst keeping discomfort and potential side-effects to a minimum. Yet further adding to patient comfort and safety, we also use a unique advanced ice-cooling system which cools the skin before, during and after application of the laser without interfering with the laser beam. The result for the patient is an overall pain-free and safer experience, enabling the laser to work at higher efficiency and produce even better results.
Top 10 Laser Hair Removal Questions
Your Questions Answered
Along with the growing popularity of laser hair removal, there is also a growing number of questions that people have regarding the treatment. Although these questions often differ from one another, there are several that are asked more frequently. Here, we look at the 10 most commonly asked questions about laser hair removal.
1. Is laser hair removal safe?
Yes, the procedure is safe when performed by skilled professionals and with the proper equipment. The laser emits light energy that specifically targets the hair follicle. It eliminates the hair while the surrounding skin remains unharmed. At LaserAway Wakefield we use a medically graded laser system via industry leaders Allwhite Laser - AW3
2. How much does laser hair removal cost?
The cost of laser hair removal is largely dependent on the size of the area to be treated. Larger areas of the body are more costly than smaller areas because they require more time and pulses to treat. The price is also affected by the number of sessions required to achieve the desired results. Certain areas on the body may take more treatments than others, as they may be more affected by hormonal changes.
3. Does laser hair removal work for everyone?
The best results for laser hair removal involves hair with pigment. Light blond and grey, red and white hair are difficult to treat. This is because the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle If your hair is light in colour, it will be more difficult for the laser to detect the pigment and effectively disable the hair follicle.
4. What areas can be treated with laser hair removal?
Any area of the body can be treated. The most popular areas that clients seek treatment for are the legs, bikini, under-arms, backs and face.
5. Does laser hair removal hurt?
The most common sensation felt during the procedure is a small pinch, like a rubber band is being snapped against your skin. The feeling only lasts a few seconds and generally stops when the laser does. Our cooling equipment and lasers with large spot sizes help to minimize discomfort.
6. Is laser hair removal permanent?
Lasers will permanently reduce the amount of hair growth. Some areas of the body will experience permanent removal of hair while other areas may need some maintenance from time to time. After each visit, hair growth will be further reduced and you will require fewer sessions.
7. How long does one session take?
The length of a session depends on the size of the area to be treated. An upper lip can take as little as 30 seconds, while a larger area such as legs could take 30-45 minutes to treat. Full Body treatments last around 75 minutes
8. How many treatments will I require?
The number of treatments you will require depends on area to be treated. Legs, bikini, under-arms could take 6 treatments. Other more hormonal areas could require 8 treatments. They are usually spaced 4-6 weeks apart to effectively reduce hair growth.
9. How should I prepare for laser hair removal?
The most important thing to do before your first treatment is to stop waxing or plucking 3 weeks prior to your appointment. Also, for best results, you will want to make sure you are applying sunscreen throughout the course of the treatments to avoid any hypersensitivity to your skin.
10. What is the best laser for laser hair removal?
The answer to this question can be heavily debated. Every company says their machines are the best, some are medical grade and others are not. What is actually the best? The design, beauty and specifications of our machines speaks for itself. Not only are our machines beautifully designed, we collaborate our manufacturing process with Coherent USA, Heareus Germany and Mitsubishi Japan which is then designed and developed in the UK. By being the best, we have to constantly update our hardware and software on a regular basis. Using old 90’s technology with basic functionality and unbranded parts is not the concept of our business. So by being the best manufacturer we were one of the first to bring liquid cooling and crystal freeze to the laser industry, and one of the first to incorporate Samsung CPU parts touch-screen to our machines. We also incorporated the change of a simple filter on 1 handle instead of changing the machine handles for different treatments. Our machine is designed to give the best results with minimal side effects, thus meaning you have peace of mind that your customers are less likely to suffer burns or other significant side effects.
When it comes to laser hair removal, people usually have many questions about what the treatment involves and what to expect. It’s natural to feel concerned about any type of procedure that involves your body. That’s why we recommend that in addition to reading this list of frequently asked questions, you book your free consultation at LaserAway Wakefield so that we can adequately answer all of your questions and ease any worries you may have, and provide you with a test patch, so that you know exactly what to expect.