Is IPL better than Laser? or is Laser better than IPL?

Some people vote IPL while others vote laser. But what is the truth behind it all?

This question is not that simple, it depends on the brand of machine, components being used and many other factors which salon owners should consider before buying a machine. This article will highlight the actual facts about the technology and the business so you can have a deeper understanding of both. Make sure you read it to the end and educate yourself about the real scientific differences rather than an opinion.

The ever growing popularity of hair removal services in recent years has led to an equally rapid growth not only in the number of clinics offering such services but also in the types of technology used in removing the unwanted hair. There is now an often confusing array of treatments available to the public provided by a range of competing technologies, some more effective than others for different hair types and often at widely divergent prices.

Hair removal is one of the most frequently requested services at laser clinics and it is popular amongst people across many demographics and regions of the world. The Middle East is also experiencing a rapid and ongoing growth in demand for hair removal services of all types. We’ve sold thousands of units to the Middle East last year alone. But what types of hair removal are available and how effective are they?

As an individual, trying to understand the differences between laser and IPL for hair removal and deciding which method is right for you can be very confusing due to lack of sound advice and information available. Our aim is that by reading this article, you will not only understand the technical difference but the business reasons behind a clinic’s decision to use IPL or Laser.

To begin with, you should know that both laser and IPL work on removing unwanted hair in essentially the same way. Both require that the region to be treated be shaved prior to the procedure, both convert light energy into heat energy which will heat up the hair follicle, prompting the bulb of the hair to fall out thus reducing hair growth. However this is where the similarity ends.

So What is the main difference?

The main difference between Laser and IPL is the process by which the light is produced, the type of light (wavelength) and how well it is absorbed by the different hair and skin types.

An IPL produces varying wavelengths, which is types of light found on the visible light spectrum whereas Laser produces one single and precise wavelength, an intensely concentrated beam of light that is proven to target hair growth, so there is no ‘hit and miss’. This exact wavelength leads to a more effective treatment than IPL hair removal and therefore fewer treatments in the long term.

The advantage for IPL is that many different skin types can be treated with one machine and they are much cheaper to manufacture but unfortunately the light is ‘one-size-fits-all’ in terms of its effectiveness on the hair.

However on the down-side it employs a diffused broad band of light in the visible spectrum, typically 550 to 1100 nanometers, whilst the optimum wavelengths for treating most hair types fall into the 700 to 850 nanometer range. Thus the light below 700 and above 850 is either ineffective or even putting the patient at risk of side effects if an incorrect energy level has been selected. It also means that more treatment sessions can be required to achieve a desired result.

Furthermore IPL cannot be used on sun-exposed or darker skin, nor is it effective on all hair and skin types, thus making it less versatile than laser treatment. It can also cause damage to pigment producing cells, which can result in patches of darker or lighter skin.

The advantage of a Laser (single wavelength) is that the light is targeted. There are many different Lasers with different wavelengths for different uses but each one is chosen to maximise effectiveness and safety for a particular hair and skin type.

Our medical graded AW3 Schnelle Laser works at 810nm which falls into the optimum range for hair removal so we are able to produce more effective results much faster than an IPL system. It works by the laser beam passing safely through the skin targeting the melanin (pigment) in the hair, its energy is absorbed by the hair follicle and the heat created weakens or destroys the follicle preventing further growth.

The disadvantage of certain Lasers is that it can only be used on certain skin types which range from fair to middle-eastern. Asian or black skin cannot be treated with this type of Laser as the absorption of energy in the skin would be too high due to the high concentration of melanin in the skin.

However our AW3 Schnelle Laser system is suitable for all skin types. The laser passes through the skin without targeting melanin, it works by directing the beam onto the base of the unwanted hair follicles where it disperses the energy and damages the follicle, reducing the rate at which it grows.

Over time, many studies have been conducted comparing satisfaction level, the safety, and the effectiveness of IPL and Laser, on various skin types and have come to the conclusion that laser outperforms IPL every time. Laser hair removal results in significantly longer hair-free intervals, a larger reduction in hair counts and greater patient satisfaction than the IPL.

The AW3 Schnelle Laser enables us to treat the widest possible range of skin types, producing the optimum result for each patient whilst keeping discomfort and potential side-effects to a minimum. Yet further adding to patient comfort and safety, we also use a unique advanced ice-cooling system which cools the skin before, during and after application of the laser without interfering with the laser beam. The result for the patient is an overall pain-free and safer experience, enabling the laser to work at higher efficiency and produce even better results.


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